Take an Assessment as an Independent Individual

For Assessment Takers who are assigned to a Group Leader: If you are an individual who is taking the Connective Leadership Institute's Individual Achieving Styles Inventory (ASI) under the supervision of a Connective Leadership Institute Group Leader/Certified Associate, you are on the wrong login page.
Please CLICK HERE to be re-directed to the appropriate login page.

For Independent Individual Assessment Takers: If you are an individual who wishes to take the Connective Leadership Institute's Individual Achieving Styles Inventory (ASI) on your own, thank you for your interest. We are now offering direct access to the individual assessment (ASI) to independent individuals, not associated with any Group Leader/Connective Leadership Institute Certified Associate. Completing the ASI is the first step to a better understanding of the behaviors you customarily use to achieve your goals and accomplish your tasks, both as a leader, as well as in your entire repertoire of roles.

For the most valid results, when taking the assessment, please select the very first answer that comes to mind. It is usually the most accurate. In addition, please do not read anything more about Connective Leadership, Achieving Styles, or the Connective Leadership Institute (CLI) until after you have completed the assessment. Doing so may skew your responses to the assessment. We thank you in advance for your commitment to these guidelines, which are designed to protect the integrity and accuracy of the assessment results.
As an individual who is taking Connective Leadership Institute's Individual Achieving Styles Inventory (ASI) independently, without the supervision of a Connective Leadership Institute (CLI) Group Leader/Certified Associate, you will, nonetheless, receive your complete Achieving Styles graph. Your results package also includes an introductory, limited version, 6-page feedback report.
If you would prefer to receive your extended feedback (i.e., 23 pages) and work with a Leadership Coach trained in Connective Leadership/Achieving Styles, either to enhance your Achieving Styles Profile or to develop greater understanding of the Model and your results, please CLICK HERE.


To take the Connective Leadership Institute's Achieving Styles Inventory (ASI) as an Independent Individual

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